Time Series Generated With a Poisson Process in Nexa

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

# Local libraries
import sys
from signals.spikes import inh_poisson_generator
from signals.spikes import sparse_to_dense
from scipy.signal import hamming, fftconvolve
from scipy.signal import boxcar
from inputs.sensors import Sensor, PerceptualSpace
from inputs.lag_structure import LagStructure

# Visualization libraries
from visualization.sensor_clustering import visualize_cluster_matrix
from visualization.sensors import visualize_SLM
from visualization.sensors import visualize_STDM_seaborn
from visualization.time_cluster import visualize_time_cluster_matrix
from visualization.code_vectors import visualize_code_vectors
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
# We set the random set

First we will generate the poisson rate evolving periodically

In [3]:
Tperiod = 1000.0 # One second
w = 2 * np.pi / Tperiod
t_start = 0.0
t_stop = 5000.0
dt = 1.0
t = np.arange(t_start, t_stop, dt)
A_rate = 100.0
rates = A_rate * np.sin(w * t) + A_rate
plt.plot(t, rates)

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f347c97c2e8>]

Then we get both a sparse (list with spike times) and a dense (binary vector) with the spikes

In [4]:
sparse_spikes = inh_poisson_generator(rates, t, t_stop)
dense_spikes = sparse_to_dense(sparse_spikes, dt, t_stop)

sparse_spikes2 = inh_poisson_generator(rates, t, t_stop)
dense_spikes2 = sparse_to_dense(sparse_spikes2, dt, t_stop)

As a sanity check we calculate the mean rate overall the time ms.

In [5]:
mean_rate = (1000.0 / t_stop) * sparse_spikes.size
print('mean rate', mean_rate)

mean rate 95.4

In [6]:
plt.plot(t, rates, label='firing_rate')
ones = A_rate * np.ones_like(sparse_spikes)
plt.plot(sparse_spikes, ones, '*', label='spikes')
plt.title('Poisson Process (1)')
plt.ylim([0, 250])

(0, 250)

In [7]:
plt.plot(t, rates, label='firing_rate')
ones = A_rate * np.ones_like(sparse_spikes2)
plt.plot(sparse_spikes2, ones, '*', label='spikes')
plt.title('Poisson Process (2)')
plt.ylim([0, 250])

(0, 250)

Kernel and Convolution

In [8]:
kernel_duration = 50.0
kernel_size = int(kernel_duration / dt)
norm = 1000.0 / kernel_duration

kernel = norm * hamming(kernel_size)

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f347c902fd0>]

Now we take the convolution between the spikes and the kernel above

In [9]:
convolution1 = fftconvolve(dense_spikes, kernel, 'valid')
convolution2 = fftconvolve(dense_spikes2, kernel, 'valid')
plt.plot(convolution1, label='convolution 1')
plt.plot(convolution2, label='convolution 2')
plt.plot(rates, label='original')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f347c8e8dd8>

Nexa analysis

First we define the perceptual space and the time lag structure

In [10]:
lag_times = np.arange(0, 2 * Tperiod) # Go two times the period
tau = 2 * Tperiod
window_size = 1 * Tperiod
Nwindowsize = int(window_size / dt)
# weights = np.exp( -np.arange(Nwindowsize) / tau) 
weights = None
lag_structure = LagStructure(lag_times=lag_times, weights=weights, window_size=window_size)
sensor1 = Sensor(convolution1, dt, lag_structure)
sensor2 = Sensor(convolution2, dt, lag_structure)
sensors = [sensor1, sensor2]
perceptual_space = PerceptualSpace(sensors, lag_first=True)

Now we calculate all the relevant nexa quantities

In [11]:
from nexa.nexa import Nexa

Nspatial_clusters = 2  # Number of spatial clusters
Ntime_clusters = 4  # Number of time clusters
Nembedding = 3  # Dimension of the embedding space

# Now the Nexa object
nexa_object = Nexa(perceptual_space, Nspatial_clusters,
                   Ntime_clusters, Nembedding)

# Make all the calculations


In [12]:
%matplotlib inline
fig = visualize_SLM(nexa_object)

Visualize STDM

In [15]:
%matplotlib qt
#  fig = visualize_STDM(nexa_object)
fig = visualize_STDM_seaborn(nexa_object)

Visualize Sensor Clustering

In [14]:
%matplotlib inline
fig = visualize_cluster_matrix(nexa_object)

In [ ]: